How do I create an account?

Click here to find the "create account" form. Fill in your name, contact information, and email and password, and you're set! When you sign up, you'll be logged in automatically and can start creating your entries right away.

Where do I go to submit entries?

When you first log into your account, you'll see a "Start a new entry" form. Simply choose the category for which you were nominated, give your entry a title, and click the "Start" button. In the form that loads, you will find all the information you need in order to submit an entry for your nomination. You don't have to complete your entry all in one sitting. Hit the "Save" button any time, and come back to it later.

When you're finished, Click the "Send on to the judges!" button at the bottom of your submission form. Make sure you hit save before sending the submission. Please submit your headshot along with each submission.

How do I add files?

To upload a file as part of a nomination (for example, your headshot, or a letter of reference), click the "Choose Files" button, and select your file with the system dialog. Afterwards, be sure to hit the blue [Upload] button or your files will not be attached.

Is my information auto-saved?

No, your nomination is not auto-saved as you enter your information, so be sure to hit the green SAVE button at the bottom of screen periodically as you progress through your nomination.

What are Letters of Reference?

A reference letter is a general commendation of an organization's character, culture or achievements. It confirms that the writer knows your business and can verify certain facts about your business and the performance or predictive performance of the business.

When providing reference letters, be sure to select references who are appropriate for the award for which you are applying. Consider the award criteria and have your referee describe how the business possesses those qualities or abilities. Have them list any achievements they are aware of. Reference letters could be an endorsement from an individual, or business. It could be a customer, a client, someone you have done business with or your organization has partnered with. It could be in the form of a letter or a testimonial.

Can I make changes to my entry after I've submitted it?

Yes, you can continue to edit your entries until the submission deadline. After the deadline, you will be able to view your entries, but the editing controls will be disabled.

Do I need any kind of special software to make my entries?

This awards system is entirely web-based. You can create your entries on your phone, iPad, laptop, or any computer. All you need is a browser.

How do you protect my information?

Your account is protected by industry-leading 4096-bit encryption, and the entire system is backed up every day.