Eligibility & Notes on the Awards Process

  • The Women in Business Awards are open to all businesses and individuals in Niagara, with the exception of current staff or board members of the GNCC, or elected officials or declared candidates for political offices. 
  • Nominees may work for a business who has a representative on the GNCC Board of Directors, participate on a council of the GNCC, or be a finalist multiple times and without limit, as long as they have not won the category they were nominated in within the past 10 years.
  • Nominees must be conducting business or located in the Niagara region
  • Recipients are not eligible for the same category within 10 years of receipt of award.
  • Nominees do not have to be members of the GNCC
  • All financial information will be kept confidential. Other information provided may be used for a write up in the event program.
  • If you or your organization does not meet the criteria, please do not complete the forms
  • If you feel your business is better suited in a different category, please let us know
  • All organizations must be located or do a majority of their business in Niagara
  • Nominations are accepted from members of the community who may not have been aware of the criteria when making the nomination

Guidelines and Instructions 

Each category has specific criteria for the judging process; please see the category descriptions and submission site for more details.